GroupLife offers four areas for you to be a part of the Woodland community.
Select a group below
Looking for a simple way to meet new people and get deeper into God's Word? Get Connected is just the thing. Our group meets from 10:15am to 10:45am for a short time of study, fellowship and prayer. Beginning at 9:45 am, stop into our ROC gymnasium for some coffee and light breakfast.
Growth is important in the life of a believer. Our Grow Groups serve as a way for individuals to learn more about the faith as well as connect with one another. If you are a new believer or a long-time follower, Grow Groups are available for you to further your faith and knowledge. Classes are coming up in the near future and could include studies such as:
Time: Sundays | 9:30am-10:30am
Location: Room 121 (Woodland Campus)
Make your life count by pursuing a healthy you. Whether’s it’s physically or spiritually, we’re all trying to become a better version of ourselves.
For more information or to sign up for this grow group, email Bryan Lingle.
Start Date: February 4th
Time: Tuesdays | 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Room 230 (Woodland Campus)
Make your life count by pursuing a healthy you. Whether’s it’s physically or spiritually, we’re all trying to become a better version of ourselves.
For more information or to sign up for this grow group, email Bryan Lingle.
The Bible is the most fascinating, supernatural work ever penned. The story of how The Bible came to be is just as fascinating. From the moment the first words of Genesis were written to our modern day electronics, God's Word has survived wars, persecutionsand attempted corruption. Learn about the long journey this book has traveled and gain a newfound appreciation for the words we read.
For more information or to sign up for this grow group, email Jim Demarco.
The Bible gives clear instruction on the importance of handling money in a way that honors God and blesses those that do so.
In this study you will cover the following:
Lesson 1: Ownership Matters
Lesson 2: Why I need a budget
Lesson 3: Discipline is necessary
Lesson 4: Every dollar needs a home
Lesson 5: Victory strategies for keeping the peace in your finances
At the end of each class you will be given a budgeting worksheet to complete before the next weeks class. Upon completion of this course you will have the foundation of a functional household budget in place. For more information or to sign up for this grow group, email Bryan Lingle.
What's the difference?
In this study you will cover:
The development of the Church and Church authority
The development of the Hierarchy or the Church
Biblical authority
Old Testament Canon
Indulgences and Saints
The Status of Mary
For more information or to sign up for this grow group, email Jim DeMarco at
Start Date: Thursday, February 21st
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Room 230 (Woodland Campus)
GriefShare is a network of 15,000+ churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. The program in nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief. Learn more about GriefShare at For more information or to sign up for this grow group, email Bryan Lingle.
What To Expect: GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. You'll find it to be warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare experience:
• Video Seminar Encouraging information-packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts
• Support GroupSmall group discussion about weekly video content
• Workbook Journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics
If you are looking to meet new people, create long-standing relationships and learn, our Community Groups are just what you are looking for. Unlike short-term Connect Groups, Community Groups meet on a continuous basis with a consistent schedule. Groups are held either on the Woodland Campus or in an area residence. Groups are lead by a Community Group Leader who leads in prayer, discussion and study. Explore our groups below and feel free to contact any group leader if you have questions before visiting.
Who we are: The Umbrella Women is a non profit ministry based at Woodland Community Church serving the Homeless in Sarasota and Bradenton. Started in 2014, The Umbrella Women have faithfully served by providing monthly hot meals, toiletry kits, sheltering umbrellas, bicycles, and most importantly they provide gentle loving prayer and counsel in person, on the streets, where it is needed most.
What do our group meetings look like: Our group meets weekly to talk over the homeless situation here and figure out how we are best able to help with needs in our community. We are a loving fun group of women with a passion to serve the homeless. We would love to have you join our team!
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Who we are: We are a very relaxed group of Spanish speaking believers that enjoy coming together and getting into The Word of God. Our group emphasizes prayer and love for one another. If someone joins our group, we guarantee they will feel welcome. We are always praying for each other and caring for each other's needs.
What do our group meetings look like: We follow a Bible Study that take us through scripture on a quarterly basis. In addition to our studies we have coffee and snacks available during our group time. Our members are from various contries including Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Colombia and Chile'.We follow a Bible Study that take us through scripture on a quarterly basis. In addition to our studies we have coffee and snacks available during our group time. Our members are from various contries including Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Colombia and Chile'.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a relaxed yet purposeful, multi-generational group (45+). Our group has a strong culture of love, appreciation and respect for one another. We invite members to meet for brunch after church on occasions, attend outside functions (plays, musical performances, Christian workshops / conferences). We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30am on campus at Woodland in room 228. We endeavor to learn God's Truths and to put them into practice. Our group is a learning environment where we embrace participation, encourage growth and provide opportunities to support the ministries of the church along with community outreach opportunities.
What do our group meetings look like: We share our cares, concerns and our celebrations with one another. Our group lasts about one hour and within that time we cover a session of the study we are currently going through. We normally agree upon a Bible book study or a DVD study and commit to a 6-12 week examination and discussion. Our group members are always encouraged and provided opportunities to lead or facilitate lessons as they feel lead to do so.
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Who we are: A diverse group of women who love meeting together to share the Lord and grow in our relationship with Him. Our nickname is the "lovelies " because of our love for the Lord, for one another and for those we meet along the way. If you are looking for a group where you can be yourself, feel loved and accepted then welcome! Come grow with us as we journey through life together.
What do our group meetings look like: We meet on campus at Woodland, Sunday mornings at 9:00am, room 120. We usually begin our morning by sharing how our week has gone, or any concerns or prayer requests we may have, then digging into whatever Bible study we are working on at the time. Our studies vary, but always challenge us in our walk with the Lord. We also love getting together with one another just to socialize and have fun. Whether it's for lunch, dinner, movie night or our annual Christmas party, you're always sure to have a great time! We also enjoy serving our community through the various ministries here at Woodland and try to help out where we can, either as a group or individually, but know you will be encouraged regardless of what you do. So come join us, we look forward to meeting you!
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: A mixed age group of adults who meet at 10:30 on Sunday morning in room 234. Our typical morning consists of a short fellowship time followed by sharing of prayer requests, prayer, and study time.
What do our group meetings look like: Our studies focus on living a committed Christian life and vary between video-based and print-based studies on a portion of scripture or a book by a Christian author. Some recent studies have included Galatians, the Parables of Jesus, Respectable Sins (Bridges), Thriving in Babylon (Osborne) and the book of Leviticus. Our study is informal in nature and everyone is encouraged (but not required) to participate.
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Who we are: We are a group of believers that meet on Wednesday evenings on campus at Woodland. We come together to study scripture, share each other's needs and pray for one another.
What do our group meetings look like: Our studies are sometimes topical but always biblically-based. We are community-driven and work towards meeting the needs of those around us through ministry. We take time to pray for one another and to praise God for all He has blessed us with. We always ask Him to lead us in how we can serve others.
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Who we are: We call ourselves the "Sisters in Spirit". We are an active, friendly, fun group of loving mature women who love the Lord. Our group is a relaxed, come-as-you-are type where we love to learn, laugh and pray for one another.
What do our group meetings look like: We meet in room 230 on campus at Woodland. We study The Word together and prayer together as well as have great brunches or bag lunch socials. We are continuously learning how our Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the key to our lives. We also plan outings and love going to movies together and concerts along with serving with one another in ministry. We are very close and always invite anyone who would like to come along and be a part of what our group is all about.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a very relaxed, service driven group that concentrates on prayer and learning to serve God with each other.
What do our group meetings look like: As a group we work through study's and discuss how we can serve our community. We are a loving, fun group that are very close but always welcome new members with open arms.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a fun, relaxed group of women who are driven by serving in ministry to help those in our community. Our group consists of ladies from all walks of life and of all ages. We love to laugh together, share our experiences and get into deep conversation while studying The Word of God.
What do our group meetings look like: Our group meets weekly on campus at Woodland in room 228 on Wednesday evenings. We normally work through a bible-based study and take time to hear each other's concerns and prayer requests. We also do a social outing after every study such as a painting class, concert or a women's conference. We are made up of a a wonderful mixture of women that are searching to know God more and more. We are from all walks of life and we welcome anyone to join us with no worry of any judgement or concern.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: Our Group consists of men and women (55+) who gather weekly to encourage, challenge, and care for one another for the purpose of becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
What do our group meetings look like: We utilize various approved study materials and seek to know God more intimately in the study of His word and through prayer. We encourage group interaction in sharing life and strive to know each other more and more deeply- sharing our hearts and lives, praying for one another, asking questions, and bearing each other's burdens.
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Who we are: The Wild Men are a group of men that encorage one another to become better fathers, husbands and Christian leaders.
What do our group meetings look like: We meet on campus at Woodland in room 228 from 6:30pm til 8:30pm every Tuesday night. We have a relaxed dinner and discussion about everyday events in our lives as well as the world around us. We sing praise by guitar and then get into our study (usually a DVD study) followed by open discussion about the content. Most importantly we pray over our marriages, our families and our lives.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: A relaxed, friendly and diverse group of believers at various stages of life.
What do our group meetings look like: Our class time is about 50% sharing and praying and 50% bible study. We alternate between a video series and a non-video Bible lesson. We all enjoy coffee and a snack before class starts and catching up with one another. Anyone looking for a friendly and relaxed time of fellowship and study stop by room 232 on Sunday mornings at 9 am.
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Who we are: We are a group of parents with young children involved in the Awana program on Sunday evenings here at Woodland. We are Followers of Christ looking to grow in our faith and understanding of how to parent and train up our children in a way that honors and glorifies the Lord.
What do our group meetings look like: We get into the Word together as well as work through video and books studies that help us learn how to become better parents. We support one another and provide encouragement but most of all we listen to each other's cares and keep each other in prayer.
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Who We Are: We are parents that have been blessed to be called by God to Shepard children with special needs. We are parents that often have more question than answers. We are parents that arise each day with a renewed hope that this day will be better then yesterday. We are parents that never stop pursuing and advocating for our children in a world that often does not understand the difficulties and hardship of raising special needs children.
What do our group meetings look like: We meet in room 202 on the Woodland Campus. In this class we will fellowship, pray and study together. We will look to encourage and support one another as well as dig into the truths of God's word as it anchors us in the midst of the storms of life and calls us onwards in the hope that is Christ!
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Who we are: We are a group of adults meeting in room 225 at 9:30am until 10:30am. This is not a class for just married couples, we are just excited about sharing life together.
What do our group meetings look like: We are casual in dress if you like that, or you can come in your Sunday best. The most important thing is that you feel connected and cared for. What will we do during this hour? Our most important aspect is that you and I have this opportunity to hear from each other, as well as hear from the Lord as we look into His word. We walk through books of the Bible from the Explore The Bible, " study guide. So here is what we would like to encourage you to do. Ask a friend, or husband and wife, to come and be apart of our community group in room 225.
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Who we are: The Ladies prayer group is a multigenerational group of ladies of all ages coming together to pray aloud for each other, our church pastor country and world.
What do our group meetings look like: We meet in room 232 on the Woodland campus starting at 9:15am. We will be looking briefly at the bible verses each week of a different promise God gives us as a mini study to kick off the hour. We will meet socially once a month before or after group for those interested.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: Kingdom Men are a group of men that are committed to studying God's Word and applying it to our daily lives. We are faithful in prayer and support one another through the spiritual challenges of our every day lives.
What do our group meetings look like: The first portion of our meeting is for socializing and sharing what is happening in each other's lives. We discuss topics all of us are facing including marriage, career, fatherhood, grandfather-hood and help one another put our situations within a biblical perspective. Our group ranges from men in their 20's to their 60's. We help one another by sharing from various levels of life experience. We carry a motto with us "We Laugh, We Care, We Share".
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a group of married parents and single parents who are believers in the faith with children of all ages. A few of our members have raised their children but are now parents once again through the adoption process. Our group attendance ranges anywhere between 25 - 30 people. We meet every Wednesday night on campus at Woodland. Many of the parents in our group have children that attend the Fine Arts program and Kidz Praize. We are strong believers and hold to the biblical principle that iron sharpens iron.
What do our group meetings look like: We get into the Word together as well as work through video and books studies that help us learn how to become better parents. We support one another and provide encouragement but most of all we listen to each other's cares and keep each other in prayer.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: At Woodland, we understand the importance of a healthy marriage. We want to give married couples practical tools to help them in their everyday lives. From Small group Bible Studies, Daily Devo’s and Date nights.
What do our group meetings look like: Our meetings are laid back and casual, focused on building our marriages. We will have a variety of topical Bible Studies along with practical application.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a very relaxed group that are very open and friendly and invite everyone to come and join us. When it comes to the Word of God, we are a very serious about our studies and hold firm in our belief that The Bible is infalliable. We study verse by verse and do not deviate from that approach.
What do our group meetings look like: We would love for you to bring your Bibles as we read together, study and discuss. We have a time of prayer as well where we like to share prayer requests with one another.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: Men desiring to grow closer to the Lord and build authentic relationships, through study of God’s word, accountability and fellowship.Men desiring to grow closer to the Lord and build authentic relationships, through study of God’s word, accountability and fellowship.
What do our group meetings look like: The first portion of our meeting is for socializing and sharing what is happening in each other's lives. We discuss topics all of us are facing including marriage, career, fatherhood, grandfather-hood and help one another put our situations within a biblical perspective. We have a time of prayer and walk through our weekly accountability questions. Our study time can be a book on biblical manhood, a video series or a study through the scriptures. Our group ranges from men in their 20's to their 60's. We help one another by sharing from various levels of life experience.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a multi-cultural group. Many of our members are from various countries in Latin America.We are a multi-cultural group. Many of our members are from various countries in Latin America.
What do our group meetings look like: Every Wednesday evening we meet on campus at Woodland. Our group time includes time for worship, our service and our prayer time. We are like a small church within Woodland.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: At Woodland, we understand the importance of a healthy marriage. We want to give married couples practical tools to help them in their everyday lives. From Small group Bible Studies, Daily Devo’s and Date nights.
What do our group meetings look like: Our meetings are laid back and casual, focused on building our marriages. We will have a variety of topical Bible Studies along with practical application.
Contact Group Leader
Who we are: We are a group of senior adults that love getting into The Word of God. Our group has a bond of love that every member loves to share in. We always look forward to meeting everyone that either visits or joins our group. Our group name is "Agape" and we live by John 13:34-35 where we are taught to love one another. We are dedicated to Bible Study and prayer each week.
What do our group meetings look like: We are informal and encourage everyone who attends to take part in questions, discussion and prayer. We are guided by a biblically-based study by LifeWay resources.
Who we are: We are a fun group of women from of all ages seeking God's personal touch and presence in our lives. We do all different types of studies and have lots of time for group discussion.
Activity Groups are the perfect way to meet others that share common interests. Groups range from daily, to weekly to monthly and are lead by an activity group leader. We invite you to contact any group leader at any time to obtain more information.
Location: Gateway Lobby
Meeting Time: Fridays 10:00am - 12:00pm
Open to anyone with a portable craft (knit, crochet, needlework, beading, etc)
interested in getting to know others with similar interests. Bring your own project. Group leader: Roberta Hill
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Meeting Time: Contact Group Leader
Woodland Runner's Group plans weekly / monthly runs with other runners in the Woodland community. Our group is open to everyone. Group leader is Pastor Sammy.
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Meeting Time: TBD by Group Leader
Meet up and tee off at some of the areas popular courses. Get to know others that love the green just as much as you do. Meeting dates are determined by group leader.
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Meeting Time: TBD by Group Leader
A group of gun enthusiasts that like to visit local ranges together around the Bradenton / Sarasota area.
Meeting times vary. Contact the group leader for further details.
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Meeting Time: TBD by Group Leader
If you like to ride... then join Woodland's Eagle Riders !
We're a motorcycle ministry group that loves to get together and take to the open road.
The group is lead by Pastor Tim.
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